EU aid

2931 days ago

Murder is fine as long as the murderess is a sweet 12 year old and the victims are wicked evil Jews: anti-semitism is the new cool

The loathsome Daily Mail has a new pin up, Gaza born Dima al-Wawi. She looks really sweet and the headline shouts out:

Hugs, tears and the haunted face of a 12-year-old girl broken by jail: The moment the youngest Palestinian to be imprisoned by Israel is freed after being locked up for two months for carrying a knife near a Jewish settlement

Broken by jail. Those wicked fucking Jews how low can they sink? Lock up = Bastards. Those fucking Jews, they are the new Nazis. Oh the knife?

It seems that Dima was not only near a Jewish settlement but actually heading towards it - she was stopped at the gate by a security guard and a local resident who


2979 days ago

The Jaffa Stabba and the oh so wicked Jews in Israel on BBC News

It is Tuesday night in London and the News at Ten from the biased BBC reports on the stabba from Jaffa. Fiona Bruce lets us know that ten folks were stabbed including an American tourist in Israel but the identity of the assaillant is not known. Frigging hell it was a bad night for the wicked Jews - including as it happens a heavily pregnant woman - was it not and they still have no idea who did it?

Perhaps the BBC could have put this in context. There were three stabbing incidents in Israel on Tuesday. There are several each week. Without exception the assailant is from Gaza and the victim a wicked bloody Jew. And without exception the terrorist filth of Hamas will praise the attack and claim it as one of its.

Oooops did I say terrorist filth? How remiss. Perhaps I should desceribe Hamas as the BBC does "The legitimate Government of Gaza which execute opponents without trial and kills homosexuals but we dont mention the last two matters as it is a bit embarrassing. Anyhow they get vast amounts of EU aid so they must be good fellows."

Indeed the BBC could have gone one better for by 10 PM GMT the suspect had already been detained for several hours. Israel being Israel the cops had not killed him on sight or - as they do in Gaza
